Apzone.pk presents you a device to massage and relax your cervical spine and that is tractors for cervical spine. It is made up of PVC material and consists of lining bushing, air bag, plastic attachment, the conduit, inflatable ball, the tractor valve and nylon adherent buttons.
Neck tractor fits to every neck having different circumferences because of the up and down design of the two Velcro. It is easy to use as it requires no assembling. Make sure that the deflation button is properly tighten before inflating the ball. Use this ball for pumping up until the person does not feel uncomfortable. You can use this treatment twice or thrice every day. The time should be 30 minutes at minimum. Make sure to deflate it after using by loosening the deflation nut.
Cervical tractor is used to deal with the problems of cervical spine. The fabric of this device is anti-allergic and thus is safe to use. It has many other advantages like it prevents the up and down movement of head while working on laptop. It stretches the stiff muscles around your shoulder and neck area so that you can maintain proper neck posture. It releases the muscle tension in this area by positioning the neck for proper spinal alignment. The air chamber with high and low pressure of air provides you with comfort during immobilization and traction. Cervical vertebra tractor also provide relief from acute neck pain.
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