Popcorns are almost everyone’s favorite. It is essential to have them while watching movies, when hanging out with friends, on bonfire nights or during camping. Who would not love to have them when they are freshly popped in front of you? There popping sound and aroma increases your enjoyment level. Yes, this is possible now with the help of Apzone.pk product known as Campfire Corn Popper Popcorn. It allows you to have tasty popcorns and enjoy your time.
Popcorn machine is made up of aluminum and has a long handle. Its handle is long with wooden grip to save your hands from burning and to help you in comfortable holding. It consists of steam vents so that moisture could escape out during the popping of kernels for giving you fluffy and light popcorns every time. It is light in weight and have a non-stick coating.
Popcorn maker is simple to use. Slide the upper cover or lid to open the popcorn popper box. Place in it some handfuls of kernels. Place it on the fire top while holding it with its handle. Keep it there for four to five minutes. You can hear the kernels popping in it. Once done you can enjoy them. No oil is required. It is safe to use and be held over the fire easily. You can also add any seasoning to them like salt, butter or caramel in accordance with your taste. It is the best companion for outdoor gatherings or events due to its compact size and self-storing handle.
Mini popcorn machine can be cleaned easily as its upper lid can be removed. Simple wipe it out with paper towel.
Apzone.pk brings for you vast variety of objects. Visit the site and search the one you like and need. Some of them are oil free home-made popcorn maker, chef basket steamer, cheese grater etc.